
Showing posts from April, 2022

30 Days Writing Challenge:Day 9 Write about Happiness

Ok, I am changing the subject to sadness from happiness. It was a clickbait hehe. Just as in real life- we are attracted to things that give us happiness. Right? But, it's a trap! I think happiness is overrated and is talked about more often. Why shouldn’t we talk about the sad moments in life? It's like what the movie “Inside Out” taught us. You shouldn't be afraid that you are sad. Instead choose to accept the reality. Embrace all the moments in life no matter sad or happy. I think all these moments that are filled with different emotions contribute to building your personality. It makes you what you are. So, when I think about it, I admire the saddest moments more. It was those moments that I felt so real. Happiness can be temporary or stimulated by hormones, or even drugs. Sometimes you get happy for no reason at all. It feels fake to me to dwell into a temporary gratification. Or I don't know I've a natural inclination towards being sad. Maybe it's just

30 Days Writing Challenge:Day 8 Power of Music

How can I define music? If you do a simple Google search you can see this definition Music is the art of arranging sounds in time through the elements of melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. It is one of the universal cultural aspects of all human societies. Music is something that is universal. There might be alien civilizations who might be hosting some awesome concerts right now. I think if we ever come across any extraterrestrial contact we should play COLDPLAY. Chris Martin Coldplay GIF from Coldplay GIFs Music is a universal language right. I think it is somehow related to mathematics too. Well, music is proven to be therapeutic. It can give you a feeling of lifting your soul. It can elevate your emotions. Whether it’s sadness or happiness. I think we all associate some songs with emotions and the memories that come with them. A Deja vu feeling sometimes. For me, music is therapeutic as well as elevating. Ddd GIF from Ddd GIFs I try to listen to different kinds of

30 Days Writing Challenge:Day 7 Favourite movie

  Favourite movie I would like to start with a genre. Because you cannot compare films otherwise. Mostly I like science fiction. But, there are some movies with soul. Such kinda movies stay with you for a while and sometimes forever. It’s not the magical VFX or something but the core of it. The storytelling mostly. If that’s inspired by true events better. Basically, I like movies that are inspired by biopics. These movies make me tear up. In that case, my favourite would be “Pursuit of Happyness” obviously ** Another one I can easily come up with is “Dead Poets Society” O Captain Captain My Captain GIF from O Captain GIFs I watched this movie only recently. But, some things are like this, it will come late but when you start with it you will get a feeling that no matter if it came late, it is gonna stay forever. I only saw it once. (I’ll have to watch it again) But, the movie gave me that kick. I think it gave that kick to everyone who watched it. Here are some of my favorite

30 Days Writing Challenge:Day 6 Single & happy

  Single and happy So this was a tough question and I needed some time to think. First of all my definition of happiness is way different just like yours. I’m not happy when I’m laughing but I might be happy when I’m shedding tears. It is weirdly opposite for me. TBH, I don’t want happiness, I want peace or a being content-type feeling. Single Forever Alone GIF from Single GIFs I think the topic should be ‘being alone and finding happiness’ for me. I believe happiness should be found within. I have not found happiness from within yet. Also, I had a feeling that I am a loner(I doubt it now). I like doing stuff alone, independent. Maybe that’s the reason why I am attracted to independent women. But, was I not happy in a relationship? I was. I think I was happy in a relationship because I never felt I was in a relationship. I had that freedom and non-possession. I was single when I was in a relationship. Maybe it was too much. IDK Mine Dont Touch GIF from Mine GIFs But, one thin

30 Days Writing Challenge:Day 5 About my parents

About my parents I've never tried to write about my parents. It's just that I never felt so. They are pretty normal people with their normal lives. But, sometimes I envy them for being a normal couple leading a normal family life. I'm not sure if I can lead something so normal like that. Their love for each other was an inspiration to start a family n ol. But, I think other circumstances have more impact on my life than them in the case of relationships.  However, now they have become old. I sometimes feel sad for them. Why did they have to marry? I wanted to ask them if they had any dreams that they had to forget because they were told to live the life society thought right. They were also in a rat race, right? The thing about getting old is that they become more childish...immature.  They'll be hard to handle at times. One thing I found hard to their conditioned minds that are still not open to accept changes. I don't try to change them. Let them be who t

30 Days Writing Challenge: Day 4 Places I want to visit

 Places I want to visit. So, here's a priority list but I think I'll add more: Jaipur Iceland Japan Finland Brazil/Rio and all the places with a badass night sky Actually, these are the places I would want to visit some time in my life. But is that it? You know me 😌 (by now if you were following my blogs) Actually, these are simply the places that I want to visit just for the sake of travelling. I think if you are travelling to someplace, you should make memories. Memories of people and culture, new experiences, food and life in short. Travelling should be refreshing, right! It's escapism too. But, there is another kinda place. Places we feel like home. It might be in the past. These kinda places will give you a deja vu of emotions Because you attach them with memories. That places are the ones that you felt by the heart. That places are not so distant but you feel like it's so far. You would need some inner senses to feel them, revisit them. One such plac

30 Days Writing Challenge: Day 3 A memory

A memory So, what would that memory be? I think it would be the time I spend some quality time with someone close or the time I met a stranger or the time when I travel to my favourite place and the list goes on. But, I will have to choose one of those right...TBH, it is tough! I like it to be a favourite memory. It is like that core memory that is shown in the movie Inside Out. But it’s more like a group of memories that adds up to a core emotion. Inside Out Happy GIF from Inside Out GIFs What happens with memories is that we cannot relive them. It just becomes that part of your mind that you might want to feel later (or not). It can make you happy, sad, or sometimes feel nothing because we don't attach ourselves to it anymore. But, we humans are blessed with the power of forgetting. Our memory can slowly fade away. You Won'T Even Remember This GIF from Will Smith GIFs Sometimes it tries to come back like a storm. I try to remember some memory now. But, I can’t think of

30 Days Writing Challenge: Day 2 Things that make me happy

Things that make me happy 😊  What makes me happy? Before we answer that question let me tell you what happiness means for me. TBH, I feel like happiness is overrated. Just Pretend You Are Happy Fake Happy GIF from Just Pretend You Are Happy GIFs In reality, you cannot be always happy right. You are a bundle of different emotions and some of these emotions can’t really be explained with just words. One such feeling that I found is being content. It is more like you are satisfied and happy. I want to embrace the feeling of being content. If you ask me when I feel the most content I can say that it is mostly when I’m by myself, when I eat out alone, when I drive alone at night through the yellow street light lit streets of Kochi...etc. I had thought that I've have found solace in being alone. Bored? Listen to my playlist while reading. Tap the sidebar to listen to Spotify Rain Sad GIF from Rain GIFs But, that doesn’t mean that I’m not happy when I am not alone. With the ri

30 Days Writing Challenge: Day 1 Describe about yourself

Describe about yourself Hi, I’m Vishnu. I am from Kochi, Kerala, a state in India. I am currently working at an IT company, I like dancing, drawing, bleh bleh bleh...Ok wait, this is easy- might work if you are attending an interview. But, I don’t think explaining yourself is an easy thing to do. What are we thinking when we are asked to explain ourselves. Why do we stutter or go blank when we are asked that question? Isn’t that question the one we ask ourselves more often? I don’t know about you but I do. I’m a very introspective person and trust me it’s a curse! I often dwell on these philosophical thoughts. Who am I? What is my purpose? Kittisaurus Momo GIF from Kittisaurus GIFs It is a pretty hard question. I am not sure if I’ll ever get a satisfying answer. It feels like it gets more complicated when I look into that...& when I look into it more internally things get entwined and confused. But, I will not stop my search for an answer. I really want to find who I am and