A memory
So, what would that memory be?
I think it would be the time I spend some quality time with someone close or the time I met a stranger or the time when I travel to my favourite place and the list goes on. But, I will have to choose one of those right...TBH, it is tough!
I like it to be a favourite memory. It is like that core memory that is shown in the movie Inside Out.
But it’s more like a group of memories that adds up to a core emotion.
What happens with memories is that we cannot relive them. It just becomes that part of your mind that you might want to feel later (or not).
It can make you happy, sad, or sometimes feel nothing because we don't attach ourselves to it anymore.
But, we humans are blessed with the power of forgetting. Our memory can slowly fade away.
Sometimes it tries to come back like a storm.
I try to remember some memory now. But, I can’t think of one...or maybe I am losing that memory.
It's like in the film COCO. Remembering some memory has its own healing power too.
But, I remember a narrow line of it...it just comes and goes and sometimes I deliberately make it go.
Because the sad thing about memories is that they are things that happened in the past. You can’t go back to it.
Unless and of course, you have a time machine.
But if we had a time machine we might not have valued memories like this before right?
I think we are deviating from the topic.
My favourite memory huh? I want to remember a memory that can make me happy after I think about it.
Yeah, it will be that memory when I travelled with my ‘best friend’ to Kadamakkudy, a place on the outskirts of Kochi city.
It is a place with so much beauty. We made it to thereby evening when the sun was just setting.
We talked, and walked together blabbering about some random stuff I don’t remember now.
But, I remember telling her that I would write a book one day 😅
We were standing on a bridge. And there was some festival happening at a temple far away but the fireworks were visible from where we stood.
It was as beautiful as in a picture.
PS: There were so many other good memories too that are my favourites. I'm just coming up with a good one that I could think of right now. Maybe I'll write about them in future.
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