So here I am, trying to channel my thoughts into words. I'm not sure of how far I can get successful. I'm a lazy writer and I'm not going to do it for the likes and comments (or I'm just too lazy to ask for likes and comments). Anyhow, I just want to scribe.
Well, you might be wondering, why I am giving you the warning. Firstly, it's because I'm inviting you to my thoughts and it contains my opinions. Check out the Blog Disclaimer for more details lol. Also, it's my first attempt in writing a full-length blog. I'm not that much confident about the things that I might write here. Its because sometimes they are personal thoughts or it might be random thoughts that come into my mind or a well-crafted thought that is polished by facts. I'm not writing for the audience and I don't know who might that be or what their interest is. Anyhow, I'm not gonna write according to your taste but I will be giving you a taste of myself if you know what I mean 😁. Since its a public blog I think I should be more careful about what I write too. It makes me nervous.
Secondly, I'm from Kochi, a small city in Kerala, India. So you might find most of the context related in Indian culture and I tend to mix the language in partial Malayalam(which is my mother tongue) or 'Manglish'(Mix of Malayalam and English) as well. I guess that's ok with you🐸
And thirdly, let me tell you why I want to write. It has been some time that I wanted to try something around the writing corner not like writing anything serious like a novel or something, yet something that will make people laugh and think. I then started putting what I thought, as statuses in WhatsApp or Instagram. My general audience was my friends and relatives(probably unjudgemental people)😇Those were thoughts provoked from my point of view also I made it kind of funny to be digestible. Then I started noting down most of it. When I started sharing them, surprisingly I started getting positive responses. Most of it was nothing and some of it was something. It was like what I have to say was nothing more than what they have felt in their life and I think what made them laugh was the sugar-coated harsh truths. These thoughts came onto me whenever I was sitting alone, or in a crowd, or when driving, or when standing under the shower and mostly during midnight. We all have experienced that kind of thoughts. Mostly it was during midnight right? It is a time when our minds drift away to deep thinking or for some people overthinking😴 We think about what happened today, worry about what is going to happen tomorrow, we think about that one special person and about aliens attacking earth lol👽 Also, I have heard that it is when the human mind is the most vulnerable. I was getting used to it. I shared most of it as it came to me. Most of it was based on something that I felt, about something I read, about people I met, or about recent events. Of course, some of it got negative responses. But I am one of those people who gets excited when people criticise because I believe, it's when we get to know where we went wrong and improve. It was then when I started thinking about writing blogs so that I could elaborate on it. The thought seeded in me during those occasions where I find myself thinking about stuff I believe no one ever would have thought, the way that I do. Well, I certainly don't want to brag about it.🤐 It's more like I have my own way to see the world, yeah we all do but how often do we dive into the deep? I am one of those humans who believe that we have come to this world for a particular reason and that we are obliged to find it out. I am not that much of a philosopher but I like to think about things, in a crazy way 😛
Well, I am one of the products of the 21st generation, the millennials and a 90's kid. The one's who got blamed for staying late scrolling through feeds, waking up late, the ones who are unhealthily attracted to pop culture or shall I say ‘junkie culture’ and lot more. Even though our generation kiddos are special for many reasons 🤩 Our generation is the one that grew up with the technology from its juvenile. We know it from the base and how it works. Apart from being called the generation addicted to mobile phones, I think we've outgrown them. We are a bunch of youngsters who matured through all those stuff and yes, of course, we have our pitfalls. Well for me as a youngster, I currently am going through a stage of growing up, literally and mentally. My thoughts are at its adolescents, my words are futile and my imagination is crazy. I believe I need a lot more knowledge and experience. I really wish my readers could accept what is coming from me and teach me if I’m wrong.
I want to share this blog to plainly express my feelings in my point of view. Want to subtly touch the topics of people, culture, movies, web series, music, mild philosophy, spirituality and some random thoughts. I think I’m like a toddler here so I will be changing my contents appropriately in the future. Because sometimes we learn new things and sometimes we unlearn things. Our minds, thoughts, evolve. I think it is for good also I’m aware of the fact that I‘m widening my stretch of the audience and the risks that comes with it. But feel free to comment. They are much valuable to me. Ohh damn you read this far. Much obliged 😍
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