Ok, I am changing the subject to sadness from happiness. It was a clickbait hehe. Just as in real life- we are attracted to things that give us happiness. Right? But, it's a trap! I think happiness is overrated and is talked about more often. Why shouldn’t we talk about the sad moments in life?
It's like what the movie “Inside Out” taught us. You shouldn't be afraid that you are sad. Instead choose to accept the reality. Embrace all the moments in life no matter sad or happy. I think all these moments that are filled with different emotions contribute to building your personality. It makes you what you are.
So, when I think about it, I admire the saddest moments more. It was those moments that I felt so real. Happiness can be temporary or stimulated by hormones, or even drugs. Sometimes you get happy for no reason at all. It feels fake to me to dwell into a temporary gratification.
Or I don't know I've a natural inclination towards being sad. Maybe it's just me!
Ironically, I used to feel happy/content all the time. People used to ask me how am I happy all the time. But, I didnt liked that feeling at all because I was pretty disturbed when I get too much happy.
There's this accompanying feeling that we all get- something bad is gonna happen.
Also, when we are happy when we are actually not in a regular state of mind and it's said to not make a decision when you are happy.
So, coming back to my case some of the saddest moments that has happened in my life would obviously be the break up, death of some close relatives and a dog.
Well, death can easily get you to a state of sadness/depression.
It's more like the memories that you attach with them that makes you cry.
This reminds me of a book named “Who will cry when you die”
Actually, I had thought about this and cried at times. I think most of us has right...right?
But, you'll eventually move over that kind of sadness.
The one's that you find hard to move over are the ones thats given by the living ones.
I think most of my problems are self implied ones.
This time of life is going to be hard, I know. I guess it's all about overcoming them and being a survivor, to tell a story for another day.
Have you been searching for that Quicksilver theme song from the X-men movie? Here it is. There are actually 13 songs in the movie. Here's a Spotify playlist link to those, made by littleme223 Two famous songs which gave a kickass intro of Quicksilver was "Time in a bottle" and "Sweet dreams" We loved this slo-mo scene so much right? And every other quicksilver scenes in the movie. The song was made by Jim Corce and was released in 1973, the same year to which Kitty Pryde sent back Wolverine’s consciousness to undo Mystique’s assassination of Trask in X-Men: Days of Future Past. Listen to this song in Spotify Time in a Bottle Lyrics Jim Croce If I could save time in a bottle The first thing that I'd like to do Is to save every day 'Til eternity passes away Just to spend them with you If I could make days last forever If words could make wishes come true I'd save every day like a treasure and then Again, I would ...
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