Single and happy
So this was a tough question and I needed some time to think.
First of all my definition of happiness is way different just like yours.
I’m not happy when I’m laughing but I might be happy when I’m shedding tears. It is weirdly opposite for me. TBH, I don’t want happiness, I want peace or a being content-type feeling.
I think the topic should be ‘being alone and finding happiness’ for me. I believe happiness should be found within. I have not found happiness from within yet. Also, I had a feeling that I am a loner(I doubt it now). I like doing stuff alone, independent. Maybe that’s the reason why I am attracted to independent women.
But, was I not happy in a relationship? I was. I think I was happy in a relationship because I never felt I was in a relationship. I had that freedom and non-possession. I was single when I was in a relationship. Maybe it was too much. IDK
But, one thing I know fosho is that I hate being possessive. I believe every single soul has the right to that freedom. Everyone should be a free soul. Let them flow like that, just like a river. Finding its way down the stream, touching everything down, shapeless, but you can feel it when you touch it. No one can hold a river right?
I think humans should be/are like that. But, it’s hard to convince yourself of the thoughts you find appropriate and adapt them to your life.
What about finding happiness then...
I think everyone should embrace feeling single...& being alone doesn't have to mean being lonely.
However, we are social beings in general, we crave company.
But if you have found peace being alone you have achieved a sense of happiness from within.
Finding happiness is not an easy task.
But first, we’ll have to define our happiness stimulators right?
Well, I've not found it yet.
I'm in search of it. I hope I find it sooner.
I think one should be in a relationship only after one finds happiness within oneself.
I think then only you can share that happiness with someone else.
Happiness within ourselves is important!
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