Let me ask you something. How many of your friend's phone number can you remember? I guess it might be less than 5 or 6. Let us go a few years back when we were able to remember at least 5-10 phone numbers, we had diaries to write them down. And before that, if we ask our parents they tend to remember it all in their head. I know people who could remember more than 20 phone numbers. Well, with the advent of technology, we are conveniently living in a society where everything is getting readily available. But, we are becoming more and more passive, right? Isn't it affecting our brains too? Remember the film WALL-E? The movie actually depicts a not so optimistic future. We are forced to leave Earth because of what we have done to it that made it uninhabitable. We are forced to live in a space station where the conditions of Earth is simulated. Well, in that movie we can see how we have become boneless bodies. We are fed with everything at the tip of our fingers. It was...
Random thoughts and opinions, puked