After this lockdown, many people have turned into chefs, DIY experts, Bloggers(like me), Dancers and more. It is a good thing to see people dusting off their passion for things that they have kept on the shelf for a long time. It just shows us how people are really good at doing things they are passionate about. It also shows us that when we are passionate to do things that we love, it is never weary. Most of us are already in the rat race of life. We are living our life based on the time frame others have set for us. In that rat race, we often forget to take care of ourselves right? Work Sucks GIF from Work GIFs However, this lockdown has taught us something. We were able to find some "me-time". And that's one thing that makes me happy amid this pandemic. People are going back to finding their lost self. But, I know it is temporary. Still. But, let me talk about some finance here. Due to the pandemic, we know many of us have lost jobs...
Random thoughts and opinions, puked