
Showing posts from April, 2020

Our lost love for science

We love the Avenger movies, we love Star Wars, we rant over the outlandish concepts of Inception or Back to the Future 😍. But how much do we love the Pythagoras theorem, General Relativity or the 2nd law of thermodynamics or how much we praise Newton, Tesla over Christopher Nolan or Steven Spielberg? I have been churning over these doubts for a while when it hit me hard. When we are stupidly in love with fiction, we were repelled by the pure science underneath it. We dream about travelling through space when we have a chance to actually be in a space ship. Science in movies YEY👍, Science in class NEY ! 👎 Where are we wrong? Why weren't we taught to love maths and science? It gets me when I find myself enjoying all those sci-fi movies but not the actual science, that'd be physics, chemistry and maths. I have always been a mediocre student. I have always thought, the creative side of my brain was more functioning than the logical side and I will not ever be good

Are birthdays overrated?

Birthday is a day when you celebrate a year around the sun, your anniversary, or a day where your family and friends come around to celebrate your birth. Birthday traditions are different around the world and have evolved in time. But have you ever wondered how did the tradition of birthdays begin?  🤔 Birthdays were not celebrated until the calendars were created. It is assumed that Egyptians were the first ones to celebrate birthdays and the Romans to celebrate the birthday of a common man. It is believed that birthdays were started as a form of protection from evil spirits and the candles symbolised win over the dark evil👿 And birthday cakes never came into play as it is today, until the late 18th century. Happy Birthday Friends GIF from Happybirthday GIFs However, birthday celebrations are not for everyone . According to students from different countries, people don't always celebrate birthdays. "I lived in a small village in the South of China,"

First Post: But a bit of warning before reading

So here I am, trying to channel my thoughts into words. I'm not sure of how far I can get successful. I'm a lazy writer and I'm not going to do it for the likes and comments (or I'm just too lazy to ask for likes and comments). Anyhow, I just want to scribe. Well, you might be wondering, why I am giving you the warning. Firstly, it's because I'm inviting you to my thoughts and it contains my opinions. Check out the Blog Disclaimer  for more details lol. Also, it's my first attempt in writing a full-length blog. I'm not that much confident about the things that I might write here. Its because sometimes they are personal thoughts or it might be random thoughts that come into my mind or a well-crafted thought that is polished by facts. I'm not writing for the audience and I don't know who might that be or what their interest is. Anyhow, I'm not gonna write according to your taste but I will be giving you a taste of myself if you know wha